Album Cover Design
Choose from two types of material for your front cover. Each material has and option for several different colors as shown below.
The front cover can be embossed with up to 3 lines of text. Choose one of five fonts and the color of the foil. If you want no color, choose the blind option.
After you've finalized your choices, enter them into the form at the end. Don't forget to select what size you would like your album to be.
To note: enter text into each line as you want it displayed on the front cover. So for example: if you'd like a name on top, the date in the center and phrase below, enter it in that order on the lines. You don't have to utilize all lines if you don't want to. Lastly, if you leave the middle line empty but fill the top and bottom lines, there will be a gap left between the two lines on the actual cover.